You and I Will Change the World

At the end of May, I had the honor of representing our chapter at the Tzedek Program conclusion at The Brandeis School of San Francisco. Through this program, the school’s aim is to inspire families for years to come, and for the students to become lifelong informed and educated agents of change.

The Tzedek Program, led by Dr. Jody Bloom, is a yearlong service learning curriculum for 7th grade students focused on leadership and philanthropy. Climate Reality Bay Area Chapter has been chosen as a key project for the past 5 years, and has been selected by the class for a monetary donation to our chapter. Seventh grade families pool resources that would otherwise go toward purchasing b'nai mitzvah gifts for each student and instead create a class fund to be used for philanthropic purposes. 

Throughout the course, students visit and participate with local non-profit organizations (NPOs) during the school year – from delivering food to homeless shelters in Marin to witnessing the homeless in San Francisco. Teams of two students then select an NPO to research and champion. In addition to their own research, the teams interview a representative from the NPO to create a research paper and video.

This year, the team of Nico and Joram interviewed me for 45 minutes in early May about The Climate Reality Project and our chapter’s work. Not only were they well-versed on our mission, but they had read articles about climate change and the impact on local housing developments. Very impressive and knowledgeable young men!!

The culminating event at the Sanctuary in May was truly inspiring. To know that the youth of this community are focused on the motto, “Go out in the world and try to change it for the better,” gave all of us in the audience hope for future generations and our world. 

Each team presented their research and introduced representatives from the NPOs they selected – from Gladstone to Planned Parenthood, SF SPCA and LGBTQIA organizations, Special Olympics of Northern California and The Climate Reality Project.

The life lessons we can all learn from these projects are highlighted by the students during their presentations: 

  • Be kind and accepting to everyone no matter what

  • Feeling hopeful and seeing a solution ahead

  • Be inclusive

  • Practice radical empathy and radical acceptance

The principal closed with the goal for this project – to encourage the students to lead lives of learning and purpose, and to “pray with your feet.” 

I was honored to accept a donation and say a few words about our chapter at this event, and to be standing with so many worthwhile NPOs. 

And remember, together, you and I will change the world.

Pam Allio, Chair

Climate Reality Bay Area Chapter


“Everyday Climate Champions” Podcast Episode 4: Building Electrification: A Climate Solution with a Built-in Public Health Benefit


“Everyday Climate Champions” Podcast Episode 3: Art as Climate Activism