Organized and moderated by Alma Soongi Beck and S. Louie, Co-Chairs of the Climate Justice Team, this program features Bernadette Demientieff, Executive Director of the Gwich’in Steering Committee and Angel Stickman, Inupiaq/Shungnak, Alaska Mining Council and Advocate for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims.
Topics include:
• How can settler climate activists support Indigenous efforts to stop the Willow Project?
• What is Ambler Road and why should settler climate activists join the fight to stop it?
• Why are Alaska Indigenous groups organized as corporations and how does this impact the efforts of Indigenous communities to resist extraction projects?
• Can we avoid settler colonizer pitfalls (eco-colonialism) on the fast track to renewable energy?
We also invite you to check out our Suggested Readings for these topics, here.
Like what you saw? How about some Action Items to support the ongoing work of our speakers?
Bernadette Demientieff, Gwich’in Steering Committee:
Donate: Send checks to: Gwich’in Steering Committee, 3401 Airport Way, Suite 201, Fairbanks, AK 99709. NOTE: is the official website of the Gwich’in Steering Committee. is outdated and in the process of being worked on and integrated.
CALL/WRITE YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS (MOC): A group of Gwich’in people, including the Gwich’in Youth Council, are traveling to Washington DC in early December 2023, on the anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to lobby for permanent protection of the Refuge. Ask your MOC to create permanent protection from oil drilling of ANWR!
Angel Stickman, Alaska Mining Impacts Network via the Alaska Conservation Foundation
Learn: Mining Impacts and Prevention Fund | Alaska Conservation Foundation
Donate: Donate | Alaska Conservation Foundation (write “Mining Impacts and Prevention Fund” in comments)
Submit public comments by or before December 1: Take Action - Defend Brooks Range