This event is a continuation of the series titled the Monthly Indigenous Voices Reading and Listening Circle, facilitated by Climate Justice Co-Chair S. Louie (settler). We will meet monthly on the last Thursday of each month.
Following the lead of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, a San Francisco Bay Area organization led by urban indigenous women that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people, we will be reading together and discussing selections from the Recommended Reading List offered on the Sogorea Te' Land Trust’s website, Indigenous-created writings, art, or music about environmental and climate justice, and campaigns assessed in the 2021 Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon report. This report concluded that Indigenous resistance against carbon in the United States and Canada has kept BILLIONS of tons of carbon in the ground equivalent to one-quarter of annual emissions from both the U.S. and Canada combined!
Check out a suggested "reading" if you can:
TBC! Check back soon!
If you’re interested in a low pressure, high connection way to hang out, learn, and reflect together about decolonization, rematriation, and how communities are healing the history of the land and our relationship to it, come join us!