Victory for Climate Justice in California! Big Oil Drops Effort to Overturn Drilling Restrictions
Victories, Advocacy Chapter Editors Victories, Advocacy Chapter Editors

Victory for Climate Justice in California! Big Oil Drops Effort to Overturn Drilling Restrictions

California's environmental advocates have achieved a monumental victory! Big Oil has withdrawn its attempt to overturn Senate Bill 1137, clearing the way for the bill’s implementation. SB 1137 safeguards neighborhoods from toxic drilling and was a major target of the oil industry, making recent events a victory for coalition building and the fight for climate justice, for reducing fossil fuel extraction, and for putting the interests of public health before corporate greed. And, with big oil polluting the environment and tainting state politics for decades, is this week’s victory just one more battle of a long war, or does it herald big oil’s fading dominance?

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Urban Forestry: Catch This Green Wave Coming Now to a City Near You
Advocacy, Urban Forestry, Local Action Chapter Editors Advocacy, Urban Forestry, Local Action Chapter Editors

Urban Forestry: Catch This Green Wave Coming Now to a City Near You

From city tree-planting master plans, to large-scale community volunteer initiatives, shadier parks and cooler, greener urban schoolyards, fast-growing public investment is fueling urban forestry initiatives in our own backyards. Whether you're a seasoned environmental advocate or a newcomer eager to make a difference, the opportunities for involvement are abundant.

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A Small But Satisfying Climate Victory at the Golden Gate Bridge
Advocacy, Policy, Victories Chapter Editors Advocacy, Policy, Victories Chapter Editors

A Small But Satisfying Climate Victory at the Golden Gate Bridge

After advocating in favor of a clean energy solution for nearly five years, Climate Reality Bay Area SF Policy Co-Chair Dave Rhody recounts how he “took of the gloves” in his battle with the Golden Gate Bridge and Transportation Board. The author’s experience spotlights the power of disciplined, well-informed, and persistent advocacy, and the impact CRBA members have in local struggles to combat climate change.

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